7:00am – 8:45am
Breakfast is available each morning between 7:00am and 8:00am and consists of toast with spreads, a variety of cereals, fruits and a rotating ‘special’ (i.e. croissants, muffins).
Children are signed in via OWNA by their parent/ guardian on arrival. Children are able to move freely between D block, the Art Room and an allocated Sports space (i.e. sports, playground). The program is based on children’s interests and suggestions and is in line with My Time, Our Place.
Transition to School
Prep – Children are walked to L block at 8:35am where they meet their teachers and educators wait with them until the bell has rung.
Grade 1 – Children are walked to L block at 8:35am where they meet their teachers and educators wait with them until the bell has rung.
Grade 2 – Children wait in the Art Room until the bell rings at 8:40am and educators supervise as they walk to their classrooms which are next to D block.
Grade 3-4 – Children are walked to the Dirrimyanni at 8:35am where they wait with an educator until the bell has rung.
Grade 5-6 – Children are walked to L block at 8:35am where they wait with an educator until the bell has rung.

3:00pm – 6:00pm
Designated OSHC Spaces
Prep – Grade 2: D block
Grade 3 – Grade 6: M block
Afternoon Tea
Once the children are signed in by an educator they are offered a variety of fruits (watermelon, apples, oranges) and a ‘special’ each afternoon from 3:00pm – 3:30pm. Afternoon tea is planned and prepared by our Cook and is vegetarian and in line with National Health Standards. In the case that your child has allergies or dietary requirements we will provide an alternative option for them.
We run two separate after school care programs, splitting the service between Prep – Year 2 (junior) and Year 3 – Year 6 (senior). After school care activities allow children to participate in a variety of structured activities including craft, sport, sensory, cooking and dramatic play. Children are also able to participate in unstructured play throughout the afternoon. Our programming is completed by our three Educational Leaders and is developed around the children’s interests and suggestions, in line with the My Time, Our Place framework.
Transition from School
Prep – Children are collected from L block at 3:00pm by educators and walked to D block where they are signed in by a Senior Staff.
Grade 1 – 2 – Children walk independently from L block to D block at 3.00pm where they are signed in by a Senior Staff.
Grade 3 – 6 – Children walk independently to M block from their classrooms where they are signed in, in their designated space (Grade 3 – 4 in the library, Grade 5 – 6 under cover).

7:00am – 6:00pm
Breakfast is available at the service between 7:00am and 8:30am. In addition to breakfast the service also offers morning tea at 10:30am and afternoon tea at 3:00pm. Parents are asked to supply their child’s main lunch (with NO nuts, we are a nut free service). All meals are planned and prepared by our Cook and are vegetarian and in line with National Health Standards. In the case that your child has allergies or dietary requirements we will provide an alternative option for them.
Children are signed in via OWNA by their parent/ guardian on arrival. Vacation care days are based around the children’s interests and suggestions. Programming incorporates a variety of activities, always including a fine motor craft, construction and gross motor movement activity. We also offer sensory activities, imagination play, cooking activities, stem activities and ‘free play’.
Throughout Vacation Care we offer a range of incursions, and excursions.
Cancellation of Vacation Care
Vacation Care fees are dependent of the planned activities and incursions. More information becomes available when the upcoming Vacation Care Program is made available.
Cancellation of bookings for Vacation Care needs to be made 2 weeks before the date. If cancellations are made after this time the full session fee will apply (in accordance with CCS rebates).
Additional Information
During Vacation Care we ask that children wear comfortable clothing that enables them to participate in activities (closed in shoes, shirts that cover the midriff and shoulders). Please ensure that your child has a spare change of clothes as they may get wet or dirty throughout the day. Hats will be worn for all outdoor play by children and staff – No Hat, No Play.