
The WESS P&C is a group of parent & carer volunteers supported by office staff who as a whole employ 55+ staff to run the Tuckshop, Cafe, Uniform shop, Tennis Court Hire, Swim Club and Outside School Hours Care. We use the profits from these services along with our fundraising and community engagement efforts (ie Colour Fun Run, Carer’s Day Events/Stalls, Trivia Nights, Raffles, Movie Nights) to support our school’s growth and development by value-adding to the resources, opportunities, programs and facilities already provided through the school and Department of Education.
The P&C Committee are volunteers of WESS appointed annually at the AGM – all of whom generously donate their time and energy to help improve our school and community. The P&C is made up of the P&C Executive team and its membership body.
West End State School (WESS) is an independent public school with a diverse student population of around 1450 students representing over 60+ nationalities. WESS works hard to provide our students with an holistic experience of school that integrates community and cultural experiences with academic rigour and purpose. WESS P&C plays an active role in supporting the school to achieve its educational, social and community objectives.
What has the WESS P&C achieved?
Over the past few years, the P&C has delivered over $1.25 million in support of the school. Last year alone, we gave over $250,000+ to WESS for various facilities, programs, projects and essential resources.
Some of the funding we have acheived:
- $ 65,000pa IT devices and resources to support students with in-class learning
- $ 45,000pa Library resources – such as classroom readers and other literacy materials
- $ 45,000 Shade sails for Vulture Street Oval play areas
- $ 60,000 Swim coaches for in-class swimming lessons
- $ 49,600 New fence to Horan Street and Hardgrave Road
- $ 62,000 Oval maintenance / grounds keeping
- $ 51,700 Air conditioning
- $ 65,000 Hepa Air Purifiers
- $ 40,000 Pool heater
- *Hundreds of dollars in student scholarships and support for needed items such as: school supplies, uniforms, tuckshop vouchers and school camps
When do we meet & How to Join?